Traditional Chinese medicine has been practiced in ancient Chinese customs for over 50 years. In some parts of china, it is even adopted as part of their current health care systems. This traditional healthcare system is what is popularly known as alternative medicine in the western world. The system is based on the theory of knowing the root causes of illnesses before attempting to cure them. Its practitioners argue that when only symptoms are treated, the problems will continue to re-occur until the root of the problem is addressed. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is also widely believed that the body has the ability to cure itself from diseases provided the right techniques are employed. Another major belief is that human bodies consist of energies which must flow unhindered throughout the body system.
Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the oldest medical systems and is only rivaled in age by the Indian Ayurvedic system. It gained major headway and increased popularity through the promotion of ‘Pen Ts’ao Kang Mu”which is translated as‘the great herbal’. This was an all-encompassing book that encapsulated all that there is to know about herbal medicine. The book was a product of Li Shih-Chen and took over 27 years to accomplish.
Traditional Chinese medicine has been useful to a lot of people. It is even said that using this medical system can improve one’s overall health. Another advantage is that it is very cost-effective when compared to standard pharmaceutical medicine. While some pharmaceutical products could have side effects and require drugs to combat such side effects, traditional Chinese medicine is totally void of adverse side effects.
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